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Investment projects – Trogir, Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia

2,800,000 €
2,240 € /m²
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  • Total area
    1,250 m²

Trogir is a town on the central Adriatic coast of Croatia and is well connected to the mainland and the island of Čiovo by bridges. Most known for its mix of Renaissance, Baroque and Romanesque architecture, this place is full of history and cultural heritage. As it has the best-preserved Romanesque-Gothic complex not only in the Adriatic but in all of Central Europe is the reason it is becoming more famous in the world. There are many more things to see and do in this area. Lots of places for relaxation, breathtaking views, and new experiences. As opposed to many people’s opinions people are still living in the old center and there are many apartments in the center and since it’s UNESCO protected they are very authentic which means you will get the real feeling of the old town. There are many beaches that you can go to and enjoy the beautiful sea as there are many jogging trails, tennis courts, and walking paths, all surrounded by scenic forests. As far as natural richness there is a lot to explore! With Only 30 miles away from Trogir, Krka national park will amaze you with its unpolluted natural beauties, as well as National park Plitvice, Nature park Biokovo, National park Kornati and many others being in relatively close proximity makes this place a premium spot to be at whether you are searching for a permanent home or just a sessional home! This beautiful property is just 3 km away from the city center and only 500 m away from the seashore making it ideal for investors with a clear vision and not afraid of a challenge! A hotel for sale spreads over 550 m² on an overall 1250 m² property and is fully and functionally equipped with 18 bedrooms, 18 bathrooms, parking space, a large swimming pool, and all other amenities that a hotel of this proportions can offer. With all things this property has to offer the stunning view over the islands and the sea must be the most astonishing feature. You can’t get better than that! It’s modern indoor yet the slightly traditional style is what gives this place the character of this region. Representing the spirit of the area and local cuisine with traditional touches makes this hotel a charming tropical oasis. By becoming an owner of such elegant looking hotel you will serve your future guests pure elegance. With everything being practically ready to be handed over and used as it is there is still a lot of potential space to upgrade the existing situation. For those who would like to dive in and explore that option and experience, those endless sunsets over the bay area don’t think twice as this area is becoming a top tourist and real estate destination in the past couple of years. Discover Trogir and the surrounding area in all their glory by checking out this stunning property as soon as possible so you can start your new real estate adventure as! We guarantee you premium quality estate that will fulfill all of your demands for an attractive price and amazing service from our team in Croatia Real Estate!

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