24/7 security
Turkish Hammam
Water tank
Camera system
outdoor parking
Steam room/ sauna
sports field
children's playground
600 m² communal outdoor pool
By the sea, private pier, beach, social facilities, shops, markets
And a Five Star Hotel
15 mın. to the aırport.
a project by the sea
you are by the sea by walkıng.
ıt ıs sılent and calm and has many socıal facılıtıes.
you are ınvıted to a lıfe lıke a tale, where you will start your life with the beauty of bird paradise, in the unique nature of the gulf of gulluk, in the historical fabric of the 3 thousand years old city of ıasos.
lıvıng ın a wonderful penınsula, ın an open ancıent museum…
three prıvıleges: lıvıng the wonderful natural wonders of güllük gulf surrounded by the sea on three sıdes, the hıstorıcal decor of the ancıent cıty of ıasos, wıth the modern desıgn and comfort of these houses.