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Elite apartment with a garden in a resort hotel with a pool and spa, Cascais, Portugal

1,650,000 €
8,870 € /m²
£7,467 /m²
  • Total area
    186 m²
  • Land area
    257 m²
  • Bedrooms
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These apartments can be rented out through the management team (45% income to the company and 55% to the owner) without guaranteed income, but with the right of personal use for a total of 12 weeks: 2 weeks in July/ August; 4 weeks in May/ June/ September/ October; 6 weeks from November to April.

There is also the possibility of a fixed annual income of 60,000 euros, but without the right of personal use by the owner. This method does not allow any use on the part of the owner during the 5-year agreement, and he will be responsible for paying his tenant's expenses (condominium, resort fee, insurance, IMI and taxes).

Location and nearby infrastructure

The complex is ideally located in a beautiful and quiet area in the resort town of Cascais, 2 km from the sea and 21 km from Serra de Sintra, 33 km from Lisbon.

More properties

If this property wasn’t for you, take a look at other apartments for sale in Portugal.

You can see more apartments for sale in Cascais elsewhere on our website.

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