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Capannori (Lucca) — Tuscany — Farm/Agricultural Land for sale

5,000,000 €
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    7,540 m²

This extensive estate is located in the Lucca hills, at the foothills of the Pizzorne mountains, offering panoramic and tranquil surroundings amidst fields, olive groves, and vineyards. The property covers a total area of 148 hectares, situated at an altitude of approximately 250 meters above sea level. It comprises 11 farmhouses of varying sizes, each with its own unique characteristics, totaling 7,540 square meters. The estate includes historic farmhouses, beautifully frescoed buildings dating back to the 6th/18th century, a chapel, an olive mill, and a small village consisting of stone houses. Some of the properties are in excellent maintenance and are used for hospitality and agritourism purposes, while others require renovation. Notable features include the main palace with large frescoed halls and hospitality areas, as well as a farmstead with impressive ceilings supported by massive beams of fine wood. The agricultural part of the estate produces an average annual yield of 34 quintals of olive oil and 360 hectoliters of wine (equivalent to approximately 48,000 bottles). Access to the properties is convenient via well-maintained roads. The estate can be divided into 4 main blocks: ”Casa del Topo“ with approximately 910 m² of building space, divided into two residential units and various annexes. The land surrounding this block includes vineyards, an olive grove, and additional areas. ”Il Borgo“ with a main palace, Casa Caterina, Casa nell'Aia, Casa del Pastore, Casa Cassettari, all with varying degrees of renovation and historical features. The Borgo also features a swimming pool. ”La Fattoria“ with the central cellar, tinaia, warehouses, tractor storage, workshop, office, and housing spread across three levels. The building is partially renovated and includes approximately 6 hectares of vineyards. There's also a photovoltaic system on the roof of the tractor storage. ”Lo Stecchino“ consisting of three buildings plus a swimming pool: Lo Stecchino, Casa Renata, and Micheloni, all with varying degrees of renovation and picturesque locations. The entire complex is ideal for tourist activities such as agritourism, a boutique hotel, luxury resort, events (weddings, corporate events), and restaurants. The area has a strong tourist appeal, drawing visitors from Northern Europe due to its stunning panoramic views over the Lucca plain and the surrounding landscape. The details of the individual properties will be made available to interested buyers, along with all the necessary documentation. The sales process offers significant tax benefits, as no property transfer tax is applied. The units can also be sold separately. Energy Class: G.

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