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Investment land – San Gimignano, Siena, Tuscany, Italy

5,300,000 €
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DESCRIPTION OF THE BUILDINGS The buildings of the property are divided into three farms. — Podere N ° 1 (1,251 sq m) consists of a main building (710 sq m) and 4 annexes (for a total of 550 sq m). — Podere N ° 2 (1,082 sq m) consists of a cottage (628 sq m) and 3 medium-sized outbuildings (for a total of 454 sq m) — Podere N ° 3 (1,686 sq m) consists of a main building (1,246 sq m) with 3 outbuildings and a ruined building (for a total of 440 sq m). STATE AND FINISHES The buildings are in good structural condition, but need renovations to be used. The ruin in farm N ° 3 can be rebuilt and used. EXTERIOR The property is surrounded by 200.6 hectares of land, the vast majority of which (151.6 hectares) is covered by tall and cut bush. Part of the land currently wooded (9.3 ha), can be converted into arable land (having already been used previously for this purpose) to be added to the 1.5 ha already present. Then we find three olive groves (for a total of 5.1 ha), one in each farm, which produce an excellent Tuscan oil and extra virgin olive oil registered with the Tuscan Extra Virgin Olive Oil Consortium: — Olive grove farm N ° 1: 2.8 hectares — Olive grove farm N ° 2: 1.1 hectares — Olive grove farm N ° 3: 1.2 hectares Finally, the most important part of the property are the vineyards (total of 33.1 ha) divided as follows: — Chardonnay: 23.1 ha — Vernaccia DOCG: 5.0 ha — Pinot Grigio: 5.0 ha The Vernaccia DOCG vineyards were planted in 2007 and are therefore in full production, while the new plants for Chardonnay date back to 2009 and began production in 2017, ensuring a further increase in production (approximately 5%) in 2018. Vernaccia it produces an average of 90 quintals of grapes per hectare of vineyard, while Chardonnay is around 50 quintals. The planting rights for another 4.0 ha of Vernaccia DOCG were then purchased. The cultivation of grapes is carried out in a biological and biodynamic way and the position surrounded by trees has allowed the vineyards to create their own ecosystem that does not require chemical fertilizers and pesticides. A short distance from the farm (about 1.5 km on foot through the property's grounds), immersed in the bush, are the ruins of a medieval castle dating back to the 11th century, although the original settlement probably dates back to the Lombard period. Almost exclusively the foundations of the castle remain (two mills, a cistern and various warehouses and ovens are recognizable), although some towers and some sections of walls are still standing, as is the church.

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