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Investment land – Siena, Tuscany, Italy

3,900,000 €
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This Unique and magnificent medieval Hamlet is located on the rolling hills of the 'Montagna Senese', an area full of forests, natural springs, and widespread historical and artistic heritage sites, just 10 kilometers from the historic city-centre of Siena. Recently, the entire area was declared a ”Site of Importance“ by the European Community (EU). The village is a typical example of an agricultural village with the main Manor house (Villa) in the centre that stands out for its majesty and importance, dominating the natural expanses surrounding this exclusive property. The Villa is then surrounded by the rural buildings, composed of a village with a courtyard, small square and well, as well as the ancient oven. The central square, formerly the hay-barn, is bordered by the fully renovated dwellings, as well as the characteristic church with its low relief façade. Between the year 2000 and 2006 all the buildings were restored and converted partly into dwellings for the private residency of the owners and partly in accommodation and hospitality venues for the agritourism, in operation since 2007, and which has rooms and apartments to accommodate up to 16/20 people. Heating connected to the independent methane network for each housing unit. The village enjoys the connection of municipal drinking water. Artesian well, cistern collecting rainwater, and water treatment plant. Thermal solar panels. Electrical cables and all utilities have been buried to ensure complete enjoyment of the surrounding breathtaking views. Private swimming pool and Private Chapel, as well as the village of farmers and barns that have been completely recovered with the creation of independent accesses. The estate covers a surface of 10 hectares, with more than 800 olive trees for the production of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, as well as yarns for the Production of Honey bees. The name of the village seems to derive from the slang expression ”for a sonatina“ or the exhortation to party after the long and hard work of the fields. A name linked to the traditional rural festivals of end harvest hosted for centuries in the square of the estate. A magical and enchanting place that encompasses the centuries-old history and culture of Chianti Senese.

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