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Investment land – Tuscany, Italy

9,500,000 €
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The villa (1,353 sq m) is the central body of the property. Irregular in shape, the building is structured on three floors. — Ground floor: two apartments intended for agritourism activities, reception and company offices, some rooms intended for the public including the dining area, a warehouse and the room where cooking lessons are held; — First floor: four private apartments currently used by the owners and company staff, but freely convertible to accommodate additional guests; — Second floor: warehouse. The villa also has a large garden on the south-west side, which can be used both as a relaxation area and for holding events and dinners. Being one of the main buildings, the villa has undergone almost constant maintenance in recent years and is therefore in excellent condition, even in the external finishes. The cellar (913 sqm) is located not far from the villa and is spread over two floors. — Ground floor: the new part above ground is used for housing the concrete tanks, the bottling, washing, tasting rooms and the toilets. The underground part is instead dug into the tuff and is therefore ideal for the production of wine. — First floor: reachable via a wooden staircase, we find here a second tasting room and the premises for the production of vinsanto. Even the cellar, being a fundamental part of the company, is subject to periodic maintenance and is therefore in an excellent state of conservation. Farmhouse N ° 1 (306 square meters) located not far from the villa is instead entirely intended for the hospitality business and is divided into four apartments. The building is surrounded by a garden on all four sides (which can also be used in part as a car park) and has a swimming pool just a short distance away, in a private position. The building is part of the agritourism business and therefore subject to constant maintenance and is in excellent structural and aesthetic condition. Slightly downstream from the villa, there is the farmhouse N ° 2 (952 sqm) structured on three floors. The two lower floors are entirely used as a warehouse, while the upper floor is divided into three apartments. The building, very simple on the outside and without finishes, has not been subject to maintenance (at least in recent years) and appears in a poor state of conservation. To the north of the villa is the farmhouse N ° 3 (411 sqm) with agricultural annex, made of stone and plastered brick and structured on three floors. In addition to the internal storage, the building houses the farmhouse restaurant on the ground floor and two guest apartments on the first floor. The building was recently renovated and is therefore in excellent condition. The agricultural annex, on the other hand, is in poor condition, having received no special care other than the remaking of the roof. Farm A (689 sqm), located a short distance from the main complex, includes two independent buildings (one in exposed stone, the other plastered), each developed on two floors above ground, partially intended for housing and partially for warehouse and storage area. These buildings are also in a good state of repair. Finally, farm B (1,218 sqm) includes three further buildings. The main building is structured on two floors and houses three apartments (two on the ground floor and a larger one on the first floor). The other two buildings are terraced houses, the first organized on two floors (warehouse on the ground floor and apartment on the first floor) and the second on three (warehouse on the ground floor, first apartment divided between ground and first floor, second apartment divided between first and second floor and accessible via an independent external staircase). The main building is in an excellent state of repair, while the other two buildings need some work. EXTERIOR The property consists of 113.0 hectares of land. Most of the area is covered by arable land (44.7 ha), followed in order by mixed forest (41.5 ha), vineyard

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