Commercial building in Brooklyn, New York, NY, USA

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Commercial building in Brooklyn, New York, NY, USA

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Commercial building in Brooklyn.

Financial performance

The annual income is $ 270,000.

The yield is 4%.


The long-term lease.

Lease type: NNN lease.

Location and nearby infrastructure

The property is located in Brooklyn (the western part of Long Island). Brooklyn is the most populated borough of New York — more than 2.6 million inhabitants.

3 bridges connect Brooklyn with Manhattan, and 1 — with the Staten Island area. Brooklyn is served by a number of routes of the New York underground. The area has 56 bus lines, including express routes linking Brooklyn and Manhattan. There is a suburban train station in Brooklyn, from where the electric trains go to the suburban part of Long Island.

New York is a city with a population of over 8 million people, which has global significance and is the largest US economic and financial center.

New York is chosen to host its headquarters for organizations like Citigroup, J. P. Morgan Chase & Co., American International Group, Goldman Sachs Group, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, etc.

In the city there are such exchanges as the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, the American Stock Exchange, the New York Commodity Exchange. The New York financial industry focuses on Wall Street in lower Manhattan.

More properties

If this ad doesn't suit you, have a look at the other office buildings for sale in Brooklyn.

All ads in the country: office buildings for sale in the USA.

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