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Hotel For Sale In Kemer Cirali

$3,142 /m²
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    700 m²
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Our unique boutique hotel for sale in Çıralı town of Antalya is in operation and welcomes its valuable customers. It is an ideal opportunity for those looking for a peaceful investment in nature, freed from the hustle and bustle of city life. It consists of a total of 5,472 square meters of land, including a privately owned land. - In terms of the number of seasonal overnight stays and gross/net turnover, 2012 has been the best year since the beginning, in line with its stable development. The 2013 forecast, assumption and budget is also defined as 2,000 overnight stays, an increase of 6%. - There are 2 large gazebo units, one with 64 square meters and the other with 16 square meters of open restaurant, breakfast area and bar function. - Apart from this, there is a professional kitchen unit of 50 square meters, a reception booth, an indoor restaurant/workshop studio/TV room with 90 square meters of air conditioning heating/cooling + fireplace for all purposes. - Apart from these, 13 stylish bungalow/chalet style customer rooms of 23 square meters in total with balconies, 3 same style personnel lodgings, 1 laundry, 3 aboveground + 1 underground storage space, 1 independent attic (1.5 floors) 100 square meters floor, specially insulated stylish log house, additional front garden seating groups/arbors, backyard pavilions. The entire garden of the facility is fed with an automatic irrigation system consisting of an average of 175-180 sprinklers and supporting equipment. - In addition, a pressurized solar energy system is used, which supports the kitchen, rooms, staff unit and private log house and can switch to the electrical system when necessary. - Also, since the facility is located on the coastal road, we are opposite our wide beach and it contains umbrellas and sea beds belonging to the facility. - A 40 KW generator and a high-capacity regulator are constantly in operation against energy cuts and regulation disorders in the facility. - “Slate stone”, “terracotta” and “travertine” were used in the base of the facility, room floodplains, and all connection roads. - The facility has a wide range of equipment and warehouses as fixtures. - In the garden of the facility, there are around “220” adult and fruit-bearing varieties of fruit trees. Only lemon harvest is around 3.5–4 tons on average every year. - There is a 250 square meter gravel-based parking lot at the entrance of the facility. - Our real estate is located within a plot of 5472 m². One of the breeding areas of sea turtles (caretta), which is endangered worldwide, is the Çıralı coast. Çıralı is also referred to as 'Hidden Paradise', worthy of its name.

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