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Apartments with terraces, in a condominium with pools and a golf club, 500 meters from the beach, Phuket. Guaranteed rental income of 6,5%!

$1,886 /m²
  • Total area
    220 m²
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
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Possibility to take out a mortgage for a period from 1 year up to 5 years (7,5% per annum).

25% discount for the standard furniture package.

Possilbility to conclude a contract for 3 years for a profitable rental program with guaranteed income of 6,5% per annum.


The residential complex is located at 500 meters from Layan Beach.

Phuket is located in southern Thailand, on the west coast of the Andaman Sea. The island was named the ”Pearl of the South“ because of its incredibly beautiful beaches, hills and lushly verdant jungle.

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If this property wasn’t for you, take a look at other condos for sale in Thailand.

You can see more condos for sale in Phuket elsewhere on our website.

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    • Can I get a mortgage to buy apartments in Thailand?

      Thai banks do not provide mortgage loans to buy apartments in Thailand to non-residents. Moreover, foreign nationals can’t get a bank loan for any purpose.

    • How does the procedure of buying apartments in Thailand work?

      The procedure of buying apartments in Thailand is as follows: after choosing a property, you need to conclude a preliminary agreement with the seller, make an advance payment, and then start checking the compliance of the property (relevant documents and technical condition). After that, all parties sign the contract of sale of apartments and the notary registers the transaction. As a rule, the purchase registration costs amount to approximately 10% of the property price.

    • Can a residence permit be obtained by buying apartments in Thailand?

      Thailand does not issue residence permits as such, but different types of long-term visas do officially entitle to long-term stays in the country: such as investment, work and retirement visas. To get a long-term visa in Thailand with the possibility of extension when buying a apartments, you must spend at least 10 million baht (about $316,000).

    • Can I make income by renting out real estate in Thailand?

      Apartments in Thailand is in great demand among tourists and buyers. The season here lasts all year round, so you can earn money by renting out apartments.

      There are many projects with guaranteed returns of 7–10%. Management companies provide full property maintenance service. You can also use your apartments as a holiday home for 2–4 weeks a year without losing income.

    • How does Tranio make money if your service is free for the clients?

      We share the Commission which the buyer or seller (depending on the country) pays when buying apartments to our partner — the Thai real estate office. The price of this service is the same as if you contacted the agency directly — this is an important condition and applies to all of our partnership agreements.

    • Who guarantees the security of the transaction when buying apartments in Thailand?

      The security of the transaction is guaranteed by a notary who draws up the apartments sale and purchase agreement and verifies information about previous and current owners of real estate, any outstanding restrictions, mortgages and third-party encumbrances. Tranio is not responsible for the parties involved in the transaction.

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